Developing computational approaches to interpret cancer genomes | Comprehensive genomic characterization of brain cancers
Lab Life
A girl! (#3 for 2023) July 2023Dr Ramen at home in Norway, July 2023A takeover of Rameen’s desk, July 2023Pickleball, May 2023Bergen, Norway, May 2023Retreat with Jabado & Kleinman labs (McGill) and Bando and Ligon labs (DFCI), April 2023Dr Ramen with two culpritsDr Ramen attending the talksNada Jabado carrying Dr. Ramen to our retreatFebruary 2023January 2023The second baby of January 2023!The first baby of January 2023!Curling, 12/23Yankee swap, 12/22Four hobbitsVermont, 11/22Provincetown, 9/22Bowling, 5/22Apple picking, Halloween 2021Picnic, summer 2020Headed to Montreal, 2019At McGill with friendsBowling, 2019HeidelbergHeidelbergPaintballPLGA fundraising